Member-only story
So you’re finally there. After years of hard work, you’ve completed your education and eagerly look forward to landing a fulfilling job. It’s an exciting time in one’s life — filling out the first set of job applications.
But how many times have you come across job descriptions that say things like “entry-level with experience”? As more and more people are joining the workforce, you’re bound to get stuck in this never-ending loop of proving expertise even before your career begins.
Well, hopeless as this may seem, we have good news for you! A lack of a professional history doesn’t mean you’re not skilled.
You may have no proper work experience under your belt, but that doesn’t at all mean that you are unskilled. You’ve been alive for years, and there are skills you’ve picked up by virtue of just existing (Isn’t that cool?). Your first resume, therefore, may not be a representation of who you already are but who you hope to become. It’s just a matter of presenting yourself in such a way that represents the myriad of skills, interests, and ambitions you have.
When a recruiter is looking to hire a recent graduate, it’s the enthusiasm that they seek the most. They know you may not have much professional experience, and they gauge your personality according to that. So lying or exaggerating won’t…