In a world that increasingly values individuals having a diverse range of skills, specializations of an intense kind are taking a backseat. Interestingly enough, this is evident in the realm of self-publishing, which itself happens on various degrees. It has opened up a plethora of alternatives from the seemingly closed-off, exclusive, possibly elite world of traditional publishing. People have their own blogs, have opportunities to publish with smaller publications, and even set up shop on platforms like these.
Being removed from the traditional publishing spaces allows for some autonomy. The commercial pressures of publishing is definitely less intense, deadlines (depending on context) more flexible, and, most importantly, there’s no in-house editor breathing down your neck telling you what’s okay and to write about what isn’t.
If you have taken to the written word to empower and be empowered, then hearing “This won’t sell,” or “This isn’t for our audience,” can be limiting.